Monday, March 2, 2015

Day 1 - What are your goals for the next 30 days?

Goals are highly important. They get you through life itself! I struggle making it to class, and it really helps to set a goal. At the beginning of each week, I think, “Okay, all I have to do is make it to this week’s classes. Don’t think about the rest of the semester.” Although this seems simply and impractical, it works surprisingly well!

So let’s see. My goals for the next 30 days. For one, this challenge! I want to be practicing my writing each and every day. I feel as though I’ve been losing my voice and imagination as I immerse more into college courses, and that thought is making me quite sad. I want this to change.

I’m also doing a 30 day yoga challenge, and I’ve set my mind on keeping up with it. Yoga is an incredible thing to make a part of your everyday routine. For me, it releases stress, allows time for myself, and seriously helps my body. I have a life goal of staying fit and flexible. I love and admire flexibility, and as I grow older, it’s slipping away from me. It is, however, still within my grasp and I’m determined to chase after it.

On a similar subject, my next goal will be exercise. Before I met my boyfriend, I was going through a difficult time and a tough depression. Normally, when I was depressed, I’d sit in my room and drink. This particular period though, I went to the gym. I made sure to go every single day whether it was 5 AM or 10 PM after hours upon hours of rehearsal. After having met my loving Donovan, I was spoiled. I was given compliments on my beauty hundreds of times each day, and in came my confidence, out went my obsession with the gym! But I have to remember that although I may be confident, exercising is a healthy practice to keep up and will benefit me in the long run. I’ve been trying to get back at least twice a week, hence why I feel it should be towards the top of my goals!

Some others I won’t embellish on are to keep up my reading habits (I’ve read three brilliant novels in the past 5 days), stop procrastinating, and do well in school! And if these goals work for the month of March, I hope to turn them into life goals! So let’s see how I do, friends. The month of goals starts now.

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